Actor Messenger

Free and Secure text, photo and voice messages over 2G/3G or Wi-Fi.

iPhone/iPad Android Desktop
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Free messaging
everywhere and always.

Exchange messages with friends whenever and wherever with one-to-one or group chats. Actor works on Android and iOS smartphones, on PC or in the Web Browser. Even in very bad networks.

Exchange texts.
Or photos. Or anything.

Actor allows you to easily share photos, videos, documents, voice memos, your location and exchange contacts. Almost anything you want to share, you can share with Actor in one-to-one or group chats.

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Open and Secure

Actor is an Open Technology. This means that anyone on the internet can review core of our platform and find out that we are not trying to collect your information or verify that we don't have serious security issueses.

Actor for Work

Actor for Work brings you best experience and performance among all enterprise messengers. Actor can run even on your servers.

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Texting and so much more.

Join Actor network and start texting with your friends.